The All-Encompassing Lifestyle Financial Planning Service

What is LFP?

Lifetime Financial Planning is:-

Our Advisory Services provide you with the opportunity to prevent the consequences of making impactful decisions without guidance and advice. Make the right decisions by seeking professional Lifetime Financial Planning or make use of our do-it-yourself  software & information package to make informed choices saving you ££££s.

  • To have clarity and knowledge of knowing you have enough to live the life you want by maximising the money you have and/or enhancing your human capital not just your savings.
  • To live the life you want. Time is precious, One Day – When? every minute counts.  Lets discover your GAME plan.  Goals, Actions, Means, Execution
  • What is your Why?  – Fulfilling your mind, body, heart & spirit to bring Joy and Life satisfaction.  Add life to your years, don’t waste them.  Time is most valuable.
  • Address your questions:  Ask yourself; Can I live the life I want without fear of running out of money;  do I have enough?  Too much? or just right? –  What If?  What is my money for?
  • We help you identify and action your dreams and goals.  Dreams and goals are but wishes unless actioned. 
  • Let us create your Financial Plan or provide the empowerment to help you do this for yourself.

It is our belief that everyone should have a Financial Action Plan available to refer to, ideally on your phone or at least online, Paper based is available too, that is tailored to you specifically, taking measures to prevent financial harm.

Talk to us to discuss and make the right decisions for your Lifetime Financial Plan>

Epiphany –  A mental moment where we have instant clarity which can turn into motivation to charge forward to be acted upon.  An experience of a sudden and striking realisation Life changing “moments” that define who we are and shape what we become.  An Epiphany moment is when everything makes sense – when you have an ultimate realisation even if for a brief time, you get it – your “ah ha” moment.